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Saturday, August 26, 2017

How To Get Very Sick - Asbestos A Matter of Time 1959 US Bureau of Mines

Asbestos - A Matter of Time (1959)
https://youtu.be/PVQVfIB4MIc  [19:59 minutes]
Shakesicle2000  Published on Sep 3, 2011
This 1959 film by the Bureau of Mines (US Department of the Interior.) describes how asbestos is mined and processed and the significant role it plays in
our lives. Using diagrams and on location shooting, both open pit and
block carving methods of mining asbestos are described, followed by a
detailed examination of how the fiber is milled and undergoes its
change from crude ore to refined fiber. The remainder of the film
deals with the numerous ways this versatile mineral enhances our
daily lives, from roofing materials to automobile brake linings. Note
several mentions of dust control, but no specific mention of the
occupational asbestosis, lung cancer or mesothelioma, diseases caused
by inhaling asbestos dust. Asbestos manufacturers knew of these
diseases by the 1930s.

Watch out on the following one though, some Goddamned Greedy Trial Lawyer;
deserving of a good bushwacking,
has hijacked this video and put it on his own YouTube Channel, two years after it was posted by Shakesicle2000 Published on Sep 3, 2011
This copy of the 1959 film by the Bureau of Mines US Department of the Interior. in cooperation with asbestos manufacturer Johns Manville,...

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